
Tech would use drones and insect biobots to map disaster areas

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a combination of software and hardware that will allow them to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and insect cyborgs, or biobots, to map large, unfamiliar areas ...

Energy & Green Tech

Nissan's 2016 Leaf SV, SL do 107 miles per battery charge

What's that? You will get 107 miles on a single charge? No doubt the claim is designed to ring in your ears, as the Nissan Leaf makes its introductions to the public about how it has a new 2016 Leaf which is capable of achieving ...


NoiseTracker aims to reduce road noise pollution

Nick Ferenchak isn't just an assistant professor in the Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering at The University of New Mexico, he's also the president of Not-A-Loud, a local company creating ...


Q&A: Technology roadmapping in teaching and industry

Innovation is rarely accidental. Behind every new invention and product, including the device you are using to read this story, is years of research, investment, and planning. Organizations that want to reach these milestones ...

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