Computer Sciences

The limitations of AI-generated text

Artificial intelligence has reached a point where it can compose text that sounds so human that it dupes most people into thinking it was written by another person. These AI programs—based on what are called autoregressive ...

Machine learning & AI

AI researchers take aim at COVID-19 'infodemic'

As the COVID-19 pandemic surged, the World Health Organization and the United Nations issued a stark warning: An "infodemic" of online rumors and fake news relating to COVID-19 was impeding public health efforts and causing ...

Computer Sciences

Auto-updating websites when facts change

Many companies put millions of dollars towards content moderation and curbing fake news. But what about the old news and misinformation that is still out there?

Computer Sciences

Less scatterbrained scatterplots for data science

Scatterplots. You might not know them by name, but if you spend more than 10 minutes online you'll find them everywhere. They're popular in news articles, in the data science community, and, perhaps most crucially, for internet ...

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