Electronics & Semiconductors

New all-optical approach could miniaturize night vision technology

Researchers from TMOS, the ARC Center of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems, have made significant progress in their journey to deliver a new approach to night vision technology, creating an infrared filter ...


Autonomous driving is 'happening', but slower than expected

To the believers, the oft-promised autonomous car revolution is "clearly happening"—they point to the myriad displays at the Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas that defy the industry's bad headlines.


Solar cell material can assist self-driving cars in the dark

Material used in organic solar cells can also be used as light sensors in electronics. This has been shown by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, who have developed a type of sensor able to detect circularly polarized ...


New landmine detection method to reduce false alarm rates

Landmines pose a serious threat in conflict areas, yet modern detection systems struggle to discriminate between explosives and clutter. A project funded by the Army developed a new method for landmine identification that ...