Energy & Green Tech

Germany faces 'gigantic' task meeting energy, climate goals

Germany's new climate minister said Tuesday that the country faces a "gigantic" task if it wants to achieve its goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring sufficient energy for its energy-hungry industry.

Energy & Green Tech

Germany calls nuclear power 'dangerous,' rejects EU plan

The German government said Monday that it considers nuclear energy dangerous and objects to European Union proposals that would let the technology remain part of the bloc's plans for a climate-friendly future.

Energy & Green Tech

Germany to close nuclear reactors despite energy crisis

Germany will shut down three nuclear power plants on Friday even as Europe faces one of its worst ever energy crises, following Angela Merkel's timetable for phasing out atomic energy.

Energy & Green Tech

Belgium commits to phasing out existing nuclear power plants

The Belgian government tentatively committed itself Thursday to phasing out the country's existing nuclear power plants by 2025 while using gas as a bridge toward sustainable energy sources and possible new-technology nuclear ...

Energy & Green Tech

Operator files for approval of Fukushima plant water release

The operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant said Tuesday it has applied for approval from safety authorities to construct an undersea tunnel and other facilities needed for the planned release of large amounts of ...

US officials eye fuel supply for advanced nuclear reactors

The development of commercial advanced nuclear reactors intended to help combat global warming and enhance national security will need a better supply of the right type of nuclear fuel, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

Energy & Green Tech

Operator: Impact from release of Fukushima water minimal

The operator of the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant said Wednesday that a data simulation of its planned release of treated radioactive water into the sea suggests it would have an extremely small impact on ...

Energy & Green Tech

Bill Gates venture picks Wyoming city for sodium nuke plant

A small city in the top U.S. coal-mining state of Wyoming will be home to a Bill Gates-backed experimental nuclear power project near a coal-fired power plant that will soon close, officials announced Tuesday.

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