Energy & Green Tech

Nuclear industry hopes to expand output with new reactors

The U.S. nuclear industry is generating less electricity as reactors retire, but now plant operators are hoping to nearly double their output over the next three decades, according to the industry's trade association.

Energy & Green Tech

Climate change is shifting state views on nuclear power

In many of the states with the nation's most aggressive climate goals, officials are investing millions of dollars to save the power source that was long the No. 1 target of many environmental activists: nuclear plants.


Why we need philosophy and ethics of cyber warfare

Cyber-attacks are rarely out of the headlines. We know state actors, terrorists, and criminals can leverage cyber-means to target the digital infrastructures of our societies. We have also learned that, insofar as our societies ...

Energy & Green Tech

Japan court: Nuclear plant's tsunami safeguards inadequate

A Japanese court on Tuesday ordered a utility not to restart a nuclear power plant because of inadequate tsunami safeguards, backing the safety concerns of residents at a time the government is pushing for more reactors to ...

Energy & Green Tech

Japan OKs plan to release Fukushima nuclear plant wastewater

Japan's nuclear regulator on Wednesday approved plans by the operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant to release its treated radioactive wastewater into the sea next year, saying the outlined methods are safe and risks ...

Energy & Green Tech

Major Japan railway now powered only by renewable energy

Tokyo's Shibuya is famed for its Scramble Crossing, where crowds of people crisscross the intersection in a scene symbolizing urban Japan's congestion and anonymity. It may have added another boasting right.

Energy & Green Tech

Opinion: Ukraine demonstrates the problem with nuclear power

Many of my colleagues have long maintained that the best solution to climate change is nuclear power. Free of greenhouse gasses, nuclear is a powerful, scalable energy technology. We know how to build these plants, and most ...

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