Energy & Green Tech

The future of nuclear waste: What's the plan and can it be safe?

The U.K. is planning to significantly expand its nuclear capability, in an effort to decrease its reliance on carbon-based fossil fuels. The government is aiming to construct up to eight new reactors over the next couple ...

Energy & Green Tech

We're all radioactive, so let's stop being afraid of it

Many people are frightened of radiation, thinking of it as an invisible, man-made and deadly force, and this fear often underpins opposition to nuclear power. In fact, most radiation is natural and life on Earth wouldn't ...

Energy & Green Tech

Germany calls nuclear power 'dangerous,' rejects EU plan

The German government said Monday that it considers nuclear energy dangerous and objects to European Union proposals that would let the technology remain part of the bloc's plans for a climate-friendly future.

Energy & Green Tech

Rolls-Royce launches nuclear reactor business

UK aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce on Tuesday launched plans to build small low-cost nuclear reactors to help cut the nation's carbon emissions.

Energy & Green Tech

Is it green, or forever toxic? Nuclear rift at climate talks

Deep in a French forest of oaks, birches and pines, a steady stream of trucks carries a silent reminder of nuclear energy's often invisible cost: canisters of radioactive waste, heading into storage for the next 300 years.

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