Energy & Green Tech

Q&A: Offshore wind power's last mile

Offshore wind power has the potential to provide all the electrical power needed by the Northeast with thousands of extremely large wind turbines located offshore. But one of the biggest hurdles to creating that reality is ...


Tidal stream power can significantly enhance energy security

Adopting tidal power alongside other forms of renewable energy can significantly enhance energy security and go some way to enabling communities to fulfill their clean energy ambitions, a new study has shown.

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers hunt for new solutions for Norwegian offshore wind

"We know a great deal about windmills on land, and something about fixed-bottom wind turbines at sea, but much less about floating wind turbines," says Geir Grasmo, Professor at the University of Agder (UiA).

Energy & Green Tech

Offshore wind farms move ahead full sail with underwater help

Off the coast of Portugal, a team of underwater robots is scanning the base of turbines on a wind farm and looking for signs of damage while aerial drones check the blades. The activity is part of a project to reduce inspection ...


How do floating wind turbines work?

Northern California has some of the strongest offshore winds in the U.S., with immense potential to produce clean energy. But it also has a problem. Its continental shelf drops off quickly, making building traditional wind ...

Energy & Green Tech

Offshore wind power gains international momentum

"We can't just wait for the technology to improve. We need to build experience and not just watch others do it first. If we're going to stay in the driver's seat, we have to develop offshore wind on a large scale. It'll be ...

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