Energy & Green Tech

World will amass 'major' oil surplus by 2030: IEA

The world is likely to have a major surplus of oil by 2030 as production is ramped up while the clean energy transition tempers demand, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday.

Energy & Green Tech

Hydrogen, the net-zero hero?

Green hydrogen could transform our energy system and solve many supply and emissions challenges. Whether this happens will depend on how economically it can be produced and how attractive it will be to consumers.

Energy & Green Tech

UK approves new North Sea oil production, angering green groups

Britain on Wednesday authorized oil and gas production in its largest undeveloped field to bolster its energy security, one week after the government diluted its net zero targets, triggering further condemnation by environmentalists.


Fast X: Why cars don't really explode when they crash

Exploding cars may be entertaining to watch in action films. But cars erupting into fireballs when they crash or tumble down a mountainside is one of the most common and scientifically preposterous movie tropes.

Energy & Green Tech

Biofuel from a container

More than four billion tons of crude oil are produced every year, and electricity from wind, solar and hydropower plants cannot entirely supplant fossil sources of energy. At best, renewables could cover the energy needed ...