
Optical Wi-Fi allows for ultrafast underwater communications

EPFL spin-off Hydromea has developed a miniature optical modem that can operate down to 6,000 meters below the ocean's surface. It is sensitive enough to collect data at very high speeds from sources more than 50 meters away.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Transparent electronics: 45% transparency achieved in microdisplays

Transparent electronics are already providing reliable services in some applications. For instance, they can be found as ultra-thin layers for touch displays or as transparent films with printed antennas for mobile communications. ...


ESA shipping container's laser link to space

ESA's very latest laboratory extension is portable in nature: Hosted within a standard shipping container, this ESA Transportable Optical Ground Station, ETOGS, can be transported all across Europe as needed, to perform laser-based ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Replacing driver hand gestures with holography

How do you decide whether a pedestrian needs to wait or it's safe to cross the road in front of a car? In today's world, drivers and pedestrians simply exchange a brief eye contact or small hand gestures to express their ...

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