
Optimal shipping carton utilization

Products ordered online are often shipped in oversized cartons. The size of the overall package is frequently much larger than its contents. For example, a fragrance bottle is shipped in a shoebox-sized package, which has ...


Musk fights US state of Delaware after Tesla pay debacle

Elon Musk is on the warpath against Delaware and its powerful business court, moving his SpaceX company out of the eastern US state after a judge struck down his $56 billion compensation package at Tesla.


Boosting faith in the authenticity of open source software

Open source software—software that is freely distributed, along with its source code, so that copies, additions, or modifications can be readily made —is "everywhere," to quote the 2023 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis ...


Angry Qantas investors block executives' pay plan

Jeering Qantas shareholders voted down a pay package for the company's top brass Friday, as the outgoing chairman apologized for a public "loss of trust" in Australia's much-loved carrier.

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Package can refer to:

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