Hi Tech & Innovation

Patent talk: Wireless charging using Wi-Fi routers

(Tech Xplore)—We all like hearing about suggestions on how we could cut the time-outs and cords and forget about the docks to keep our phones running. What about having in hand a method where you can charge an iPhone wirelessly ...


Microsoft patches 'PrintNightmare' flaw in Windows

Microsoft on Wednesday urged users of Windows-powered computers to install a freshly released patch to thwart hackers trying to take advantage of a potentially serious flaw in the operating system.


3-D printing produces cartilage from strands of bioink

Strands of cow cartilage substitute for ink in a 3D bioprinting process that may one day create cartilage patches for worn out joints, according to a team of engineers. "Our goal is to create tissue that can be used to replace ...

Computer Sciences

Bug-repair system learns from example

Anyone who's downloaded an update to a computer program or phone app knows that most commercial software has bugs and security holes that require regular "patching."


Are you vulnerable to newly discovered online security risks?

Last week, experts discovered two serious computer security flaws that could leave nearly all computer users vulnerable to hacking of personal information while online. The culprits, called Meltdown and Spectre, could wreak ...

Expert: Many Wisconsin elections clerks use outdated systems

Hundreds of local clerks are using outdated computer systems and aren't installing security patches on their current systems, leaving Wisconsin's election system vulnerable to potentially devastating cyberattacks, state elections ...


NPS student invents, patents durable uniform nametags

Using his own time and resources, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Space Systems Engineering student Lt. Mitchell Kempisty ventured into unchartered waters to bring an invention of his making through the patent process, an ...

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