Machine learning & AI

EU data watchdogs want ban on AI facial recognition

The EU's data protection agencies on Monday called for an outright ban on using artificial intelligence to identify people in public places, pointing to the "extremely high" risks to privacy.


EU unveils AI rules to temper Big Brother fears

The EU unveils a plan Wednesday to regulate the sprawling field of artificial intelligence, aimed at making Europe a leader in the new tech revolution while reassuring the public against "Big Brother"-like abuses.


Singapore admits police can access contact-tracing data

Singapore has admitted data collected for contact-tracing can be accessed by police despite earlier assurances it would only be used to fight the coronavirus, sparking privacy concerns Tuesday about the scheme.


'Digital twins' can help monitor infrastructure and save us billions

Urban infrastructure—bridges, roads, railways, pipelines, power transmission towers and so on—must be inspected regularly to operate safely. Imagine if we used advanced technologies available to us, such as wireless sensors, ...


Facebook's Zuckerberg wants 'new framework' for digital tax

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Friday backed moves by the OECD group of free-market economies to reform the way online giants are taxed worldwide, even if that means companies like his own paying more to national ...

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