
Matching energy supply and demand in buildings

As power grids evolve to incorporate new variable renewable energy sources and adapt to growing peak electricity demands, balancing the grid—scheduling appropriate electricity supply to match demand—will become increasingly ...

Energy & Green Tech

Declining renewable costs drive focus on energy storage

An oft-repeated refrain—the sun doesn't always shine, and the wind doesn't always blow—is sometimes seen as an impediment to renewable energy. But it's also an impetus toward discovering the best ways to store that energy ...


New inspection drone uses wind to lengthen flight times

Elythor, an EPFL spin-off, has developed a new drone whose wing shape can adapt to wind conditions and flight position in real time, reducing the drone's energy consumption. What's more, the position of the wings can change, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Diversity can prevent failures in large power grids

The recent power outages in Texas brought attention to its power grid being separated from the rest of the country. While it is not immediately clear whether integration with other parts of the national grid would have completely ...

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