Computer Sciences

What an artificial intelligence researcher fears about AI

As an artificial intelligence researcher, I often come across the idea that many people are afraid of what AI might bring. It's perhaps unsurprising, given both history and the entertainment industry, that we might be afraid ...

Computer Sciences

Computers may be evolving but are they intelligent?

The term "artificial intelligence" (AI) was first used back in 1956 to describe the title of a workshop of scientists at Dartmouth, an Ivy League college in the United States.

Energy & Green Tech

Renewable electricity to outstrip coal next year: IEA

The amount of electricity produced from renewable sources worldwide is set to surpass output from coal-fired plants for the first time in 2025, the International Energy Agency said Friday.

Energy & Green Tech

New tech brings resilience to small-town hydropower

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has celebrated the ribbon-cutting of its new Microgrid in a Box, which was deployed in partnership with the Fall River Electric Cooperative at its hydropower plant in rural Idaho.

Energy & Green Tech

Lights out? Swiss brace for looming power shortages

Switzerland is among the world's wealthiest countries, but its reliance on Russian gas and French nuclear power—both in short supply—has it bracing for power shortages and even blackouts this winter.

Energy & Green Tech

Missouri halts solar tax break as federal incentives expand

As the U.S. government expands incentives for renewable energy, a decision by the Missouri Supreme Court is moving the state in the opposite direction by halting a solar energy tax break that has been on the books for nearly ...

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