Electronics & Semiconductors

Bio-inspired localization system slashes power consumption

Inspired by barn owls, researchers have developed an innovative localization system that combines state-of-the-art sensors with a neuromorphic computational map based on resistive random-access memory (RRAM).

Energy & Green Tech

When the sun switches off the solar panels

The more the sun shines in the southern German town of Aurach, the more likely it is that Jens Husemann's solar panels will be disconnected from the grid—an exasperating paradox at a time when Germany is navigating an energy ...

Energy & Green Tech

New model finds best sites for electric vehicle charging stations

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a computational model that can be used to determine the optimal places for locating electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities, as well as how powerful the charging ...

Energy & Green Tech

Reversible fuel cells can support grid economically, study finds

A major challenge for producers of electricity from solar panels and wind turbines is akin to capturing lightning in a bottle. Both solar and wind increasingly generate electricity amid little demand, when market prices are ...


Tiny, cheap solution for quantum-secure encryption

It's fairly reasonable to assume that an encrypted email can't be seen by prying eyes. That's because in order to break through most of the encryption systems we use on a day-to-day basis, unless you are the intended recipient, ...

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