
Russian 'cyber sabotage' a global threat: Security firm

A cyber group with links to Russian military intelligence is set to become a significant global threat after playing an increasing critical role in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, a leading cybersecurity firm warned Wednesday.


Microsoft says China using AI to sow division in US

China is ramping up use of AI-generated content and fake social media accounts to inflame division in the United States and elsewhere, according to the latest report from Microsoft's threat center.


Facebook, the social network old-timer, turns 20

Founded 20 years ago as a simple hangout spot for young people, Facebook has since become a battle-hardened behemoth that—despite perceptions of being for boomers and parents—continues growing and growing.


Taiwan prepares for cyber D-Day in China invasion scenarios

Millions of people offline, banks knocked out and the world's most advanced semiconductor industry paralyzed—Taiwan's doomsday scenario includes not just invading Chinese troops but also a wave of attacks against its cyber ...


How video games are being used by foreign actors and extremists

Video games are easy to exploit, and are being used by actors ranging from IS and Hezbollah for recruitment, to Russia, who use it to spread propaganda during the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. This according to a new report ...

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