
Tech giants form AI group focused on ensuring safety

Four US leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) announced Wednesday the formation of an industry group devoted to addressing risks that cutting edge versions of the technology may pose.

Machine learning & AI

The risk of discrimination by algorithm

Not only companies but state institutions increasingly rely on automated decisions by algorithm-based systems. Their efficiency saves time and money, but also entails many risks of individuals or population groups being discriminated ...


European air travel nosedives as virus resurges

The total number of passenger flights in Europe will plummet by more than expected this year as countries fail to coordinate policy on air travel during a pandemic, Eurocontrol said on Monday.


Public trust key, EU insists, in developing virus apps

The European Union is urging its 27 member countries to make the use of mobile telephone tracing apps voluntary and to apply similar standards to ensure that national systems can work together in fighting the spread of the ...

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