
A new battleground in the web browser wars: Privacy

Google announced a massive shift last week in how it handles cookies, those pesky digital trackers that chase us around the internet and serve up targeted ads that are both creepy yet eerily precise reflections of our wants. ...


Facebook says it spoke to FTC about kids chat app that had flaw

Facebook Inc. said it had spoken to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which recently settled with the social media giant for $5 billion over allegations of privacy violations, about its Messenger Kids app that the company ...


Read this before installing extensions to your web browser

When Amazon offered recently to pay Prime members $10 to download its Assistant browser extension, Jeremy Tillman, who runs the ad-blocking software Ghostery, took notice. He likened it to that sweetheart deal when the Dutch ...


Mobile app behavior often appears at odds with privacy policies

How a mobile app says it will collect or share a user's personal information with third parties often appears to be inconsistent with how the app actually behaves, a new automated analysis system developed by Carnegie Mellon ...

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