
A new sustainable solution for energy needs

Energy consumption has been on the rise globally, despite efforts to increase energy efficiency. With limited resources and negative environmental and social impacts associated with traditional energy production, researchers ...


Working interactively with mixed-reality factory layouts

The factories of the future have significant demands to meet—including the ability to adapt to production processes quickly and function within tight spaces that come at a high operating cost. Mixed reality can provide ...

Energy & Green Tech

'Big challenges': choosing a nuclear career in Japan

The 2011 Fukushima disaster made working in the nuclear industry unappealing for many Japanese students, but a new government push to revive the sector could start to shift the narrative.


Researchers want to make salt printing marketable

Materials scientists Nicole Kleger and Simona Fehlmann have developed a 3D printing process for creating salt templates that they can fill with other materials. One area of application is the creation of highly porous lightweight ...


Boeing delivers first 787 in a year

Boeing delivered a 787 Dreamliner to American Airlines on Wednesday, the first of that aircraft to be sent to a customer in over a year due to defects discovered in the plane.

Energy & Green Tech

Green hydrogen from plant residue

Until now, the most common way to dispose of green waste and sewage sludge has been to compost or incinerate it. However, using these materials to produce the valuable energy source hydrogen would make far more sense. A team ...

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