Computer Sciences

Controlling complex systems with artificial intelligence

Researchers at ETH Zurich and the Frankfurt School have developed an artificial neural network that can solve challenging control problems. The self-learning system can be used for the optimization of supply chains and production ...


Sustainably produced high-speed helicopters

Fast, lightweight and fuel efficient: RACER, the high-speed helicopter reaches flying speeds of up to 400 kilometers per hour. The components of its outer shell are made by an innovative, highly automated manufacturing process. ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Smart finger ring with integrated RFID chip

House key, wallet, health insurance card, hotel key card—a smart finger ring could replace all these in the future. Produced by a 3D printing process, the ring has an integrated RFID chip, tamper-proof, sealed and invisible. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Artificial intelligence for reducing food waste

In Germany, around 12 million tons of food end up in the trash every year. Over 30 percent of that is already destroyed in the production process. In the Resource-efficient Intelligent Foodchain ("REIF") project, the Fraunhofer ...


How to quickly come to grips with complex manufacturing processes

Optimizing production plants so that they operate in a more energy-efficient way or produce fewer rejects is often difficult, as production quality depends on many different parameters. In the Fraunhofer ML4P lighthouse project, ...

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