
CES startups face cautious investors amid economic woes

More than a thousand startups are showcasing their products at the annual CES tech show in Las Vegas, hoping to create some buzz around their gadgets and capture the eyes of investors who can help their businesses grow.


DfAI: The missing piece of artificial intelligence engineering

Considering how quickly engineering design and manufacturing have advanced alongside computational developments, it may surprise you that very few engineers are trained in both engineering system design and artificial intelligence. ...


Working interactively with mixed-reality factory layouts

The factories of the future have significant demands to meet—including the ability to adapt to production processes quickly and function within tight spaces that come at a high operating cost. Mixed reality can provide ...

Energy & Green Tech

'Big challenges': choosing a nuclear career in Japan

The 2011 Fukushima disaster made working in the nuclear industry unappealing for many Japanese students, but a new government push to revive the sector could start to shift the narrative.

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