
How a moving platform for 3D printing can cut waste and costs

3-D printing has the potential to revolutionize product design and manufacturing in a vast range of fields—from custom components for consumer products, to 3-D printed dental products and bone and medical implants that ...

Energy & Green Tech

Low-level jets create winds of change for turbines

As one of the leading sources of clean and renewable energy, global wind power capacity has increased more than fivefold over the past decade, leading to larger turbines and pushing wind technology to its limits.

Energy & Green Tech

Microalgae identified as clean source of hydrogen production

Researchers at Monash University's Department of Chemical Engineering, IITB-Monash Research Academy Mumbai, and The Indian Institute of Technology's Department of Chemical Engineering have used reactive flash volatilisation ...

Energy & Green Tech

Production of 'post-lithium-ion batteries' requires new skills

Research on manufacturing battery cells is gaining momentum—and there is a strong need, considering the future demand for energy storage: For the year 2030, global production of rechargeable batteries will double from today's ...


Engineers develop soft robotic gripper

Scientists often look to nature for cues when designing robots—some robots mimic human hands while others simulate the actions of octopus arms or inchworms. Now, researchers in the University of Georgia College of Engineering ...

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