Computer Sciences

A new framework to improve high computing performance

From a luxury to a day-to-day necessity, computing isn't quite what it used to be. As applications like machine learning and 5G mobile networks become the norm, the need for high computing performance has never been greater. ...


US House okays renewal of controversial surveillance program

The US House of Representatives voted Friday to reauthorize an electronic surveillance program targeting foreigners, a practice officials say is critical to national security but criticized by opponents over concerns for ...


NASA noise prediction tool supports users in air taxi industry

Several air taxi companies are using a NASA-developed computer software tool to predict aircraft noise and aerodynamic performance. This tool allows manufacturers working in fields related to NASA's Advanced Air Mobility ...


New technique helps AI tell when humans are lying

Researchers have developed a new training tool to help artificial intelligence (AI) programs better account for the fact that humans don't always tell the truth when providing personal information. The new tool was developed ...

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