
France bans TikTok, Twitter from government staff phones

France announced Friday it is banning the "recreational" use of TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and other apps on government employees' phones because of concern about insufficient data security measures.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Shared automated vehicles could make cities more livable, equitable

Fully automated vehicles (AVs), or driverless cars, will be commonplace sooner than we may think. Right now, car makers and transportation network companies—also known as ridesharing companies—are steering AV development. ...


San Francisco will allow police to deploy robots that kill

Supervisors in San Francisco voted Tuesday to give city police the ability to use potentially lethal, remote-controlled robots in emergency situations—following an emotionally charged debate that reflected divisions on ...


Reading old handwriting with an AI platform

Using artificial intelligence, computers can decipher handwritten texts and make them readable for everyone. The Transkribus platform, co-developed at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, makes this technology available ...

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