
TikTok CEO to testify before US Congress in March

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew will testify in March to US lawmakers in Washington where the Chinese social media app faces accusations that it is beholden to the Communist Party in Beijing.


Public, election officials may be kept in the dark on hacks

If the FBI discovers that foreign hackers have infiltrated the networks of your county election office, you may not find out about it until after voting is over. And your governor and other state officials may be kept in ...


Would congestion pricing work in Australia?

Most commuters have endured the ordeal of being stuck in peak-hour traffic. Trapped in a seemingly endless queue of cars crawling ever so slowly towards home is a trying part of urban life that is begrudgingly tolerated. ...


US House to vote on TikTok ban

The US House of Representatives will vote Wednesday on a bill that would force TikTok to cut ties with its Chinese owner or get banned in the United States.

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