Machine learning & AI

What AI-generated COVID news tells us that journalists don't

AI can help identify biases in news reporting that we wouldn't otherwise see. Researchers from McGill University have recently directed a computer program to generate news coverage of COVID-19 using headlines from CBC articles ...


How ridesourcing services are transforming US cities

Over the last decade, the meteoric rise of ridesourcing services like Uber and Lyft have transformed the urban landscape, affecting travel patterns, car ownership, and congestion, and more broadly, the economy, the environment, ...

Energy & Green Tech

A natural gas bridge to net zero?

Destenie Nock, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering and engineering and public policy in Carnegie Mellon University's College of Engineering, has co-authored a study that helps illuminate the future ...

Energy & Green Tech

Batteries, community spirit help California fight heat wave

Dire predictions of blackouts in California during a fearsome heat wave this month never came to pass, with technology—and a dose of community spirit—helping the creaking grid through its most testing period ever.


Researchers present a blueprint for building green

The construction industry's green pivot faces a number of challenges, even as more city governments and home buyers are increasingly pushing for more sustainable new homes and buildings. Among the obstacles standing in the ...

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