Energy & Green Tech

A natural gas bridge to net zero?

Destenie Nock, an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering and engineering and public policy in Carnegie Mellon University's College of Engineering, has co-authored a study that helps illuminate the future ...

Machine learning & AI

Sensing emotions in a crisis

From Twitter to Facebook to Reddit, billions of people around the world use social media daily to connect with friends and family, as well as to share their stories, feelings and opinions about the state of the world around ...

Machine learning & AI

What AI-generated COVID news tells us that journalists don't

AI can help identify biases in news reporting that we wouldn't otherwise see. Researchers from McGill University have recently directed a computer program to generate news coverage of COVID-19 using headlines from CBC articles ...


Health insurers split with US over relief after cyberattack

Health insurers and U.S. government officials are expected to meet next week to hash out differences over how to assist cash-strapped medical practices, as a cyberattack last month continues to hold up billions of dollars ...


Social media exploitation erodes trust

Social media platforms in Australia are vulnerable to exploitation by foreign actors for commercial, political, and strategic reasons, according to new analysis.


US natural gas pipelines vulnerable to electric outages

Natural gas supplies 32% of all primary energy in the United States, its share of electricity generation having nearly doubled from 2008 to 2021. The cross-country natural gas pipeline system used to be powered mainly by ...

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