
Green building progress in the '13th Five-Year Plan' for China

Building construction and operation account for 16% and 22%, respectively, of total carbon emissions in China. Those numbers are down, but still need significant work to achieve green building construction and carbon neutrality, ...

Energy & Green Tech

Green roofs are worth the cost for urban residents

Plant-covered roofs have become a regular sight in Portland, Oregon. The city is a leader in incorporating green infrastructure for stormwater management, including free street trees, rebates for small residential housing ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

UAE vows 'responsible' artificial intelligence rollout

The world's first minister for artificial intelligence says the United Arab Emirates isn't only looking for economic benefits as it seeks to become a leading nation in the sector.


Scientists to develop electronic noses to track down body odors

In April 2022, the project "Smart Electronic Olfaction for Body Odor Diagnostics"—SMELLODI for short—started with the kick-off meeting. The objective of the seven partners from Germany, Israel and Finland is to develop ...

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