Energy & Green Tech

While rare, why do batteries sometimes catch fire and explode?

How likely would an electric vehicle battery self-combust and explode? The chances of that happening are actually pretty slim: Some analysts say that gasoline vehicles are nearly 30 times more likely to catch fire than electric ...


New perception metric balances reaction time, accuracy

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a new metric for evaluating how well self-driving cars respond to changing road conditions and traffic, making it possible for the first time to compare perception ...


Movement-enhancing exoskeletons may impair decision making

As engineers make strides in the design of wearable, electronically active, and responsive leg braces, arm supports, and full-body suits, collectively known as exoskeletons, researchers at MIT are raising an important question: ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Virtual reality as a reliable shooting performance-tracking tool

Virtual reality technology can do more than teach weaponry skills in law enforcement and military personnel, a new study suggests: It can accurately record shooting performance and reliably track individuals' progress over ...

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