Hi Tech & Innovation

Intel reportedly eyes AR headset development

Intel may be set to explore an AR headset. Citing the source of the information as "people briefed on the company's plans," The Wall Street Journal had the story, saying "the chip giant is developing a wearable headset to ...


Caregiving simulator advances research in assistive robotics

Caregiving robots would be transformative for people with disabilities and their caretakers, but few research groups are working in this space. A new robotic simulation platform developed by Cornell researchers may help more ...


Spherical display brings virtual collaboration closer to reality

Virtual reality can often make a user feel isolated from the world, with only computer-generated characters for company. But researchers at the University of British Columbia and University of Saskatchewan think they may ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Microsoft patent filings raise chatter about Xbox VR

A VR boundary mat. A motion controller. A stylus. These are new patent ideas that were spotted on Oct. 4 by a Twitter user. They have inspired anticipation as well as chatter amongst Microsoft watchers. Sure, not all patent ...


3-D displays that 'accommodate' the human eye

Have you ever felt dizzy or nauseous after watching a 3D movie or using a virtual reality headset?  If so, it is probably because you were subconsciously able to detect the subtle differences between the virtual 3D scene ...

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