Computer Sciences

Artificial intelligence that understands object relationships

When humans look at a scene, they see objects and the relationships between them. On top of your desk, there might be a laptop that is sitting to the left of a phone, which is in front of a computer monitor.


Social robots deserve our appreciation, bioethicist says

If you have sex with an android doll and then knock it around the room, are you being abusive? If you're in a foul mood and boot your robotic pet down the stairs, are you being a jerk? In either scenario, is the device's ...

Computer Sciences

AI behind deepfakes may power materials design innovations

The person staring back from the computer screen may not actually exist, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) capable of generating convincing but ultimately fake images of human faces. Now this same technology may power ...

Computer Sciences

New model management tool leads to better productivity

In complex multi-domain systems, like robots, experts from different fields combine several models to develop or improve the system. Model management can reduce inconsistencies, and therefore Ph.D. student Weslley Torres ...


Twitter stars to dabble with getting fans to pay

Twitter announced Tuesday that a small flock of high-flying tweeters in the United States will get to test a feature letting fans pay for special access to online content.

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