
Making smart city infrastructure watertight in Vietnam

Research in the International Journal of Critical Infrastructures offers guidance on securing water critical infrastructures and reaffirms the urgency of protecting environment monitoring technologies as cities evolve into ...


Cracking the code: Examining why people fall for scams

Australians lost a staggering $3 billion to scammers last year, surpassing any previous year. That's equivalent to the cost of rebuilding three new hospitals. The latest Targeting Scams report from the Australian Competition ...


Snapchat seeks path to profit without losing its way

Snapchat parent Snap on Wednesday unveiled new tactics including the increased use of artificial intelligence in its struggle to expand beyond the app's loyal user base and reach profitability.

Computer Sciences

New model management tool leads to better productivity

In complex multi-domain systems, like robots, experts from different fields combine several models to develop or improve the system. Model management can reduce inconsistencies, and therefore Ph.D. student Weslley Torres ...

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