
Robo-revolution: From lab to market

Dr. Peter King, a manufacturing researcher at our Clayton site, came across a problem in the lab six years ago. He found that before the team could start any lab work, they had to spend a lot of time programming.


Tesla sues Swedish state over strike fallout

Electric carmaker Tesla on Monday filed a lawsuit against the Swedish state over a strike by postal workers blocking deliveries of license plates for its new cars—and received a first favorable decision the same day.


Concrete versus asphalt for Nigeria's roads: which is better?

Nigeria's new works minister, David Umahi, is pushing for the use of rigid pavement in road construction, as against the flexible pavement predominantly in use. This, as the minister noted, is due to the precarious state ...


New 3D-printing method builds structures with two metals

Taking a cue from the structural complexity of trees and bones, Washington State University engineers have created a way to 3D-print two types of steel in the same circular layer using two welding machines. The resulting ...

Energy & Green Tech

A second chance for batteries, gearboxes and cog-wheels

Used and damaged cars are often disposed of via energy-intensive scrapping processes—even when many of their parts are still fully functional. In the EKODA project, Fraunhofer researchers are developing a better alternative. ...


Crash tests show that proper repair is crucial for safety

Researchers at the University of Agder (UiA) conducted two full-scale crash tests at Farsund Airport Lista in December 2021. Preliminary findings show that vehicles that have been incorrectly repaired after a collision may ...


Robots who goof: Can we trust them again?

When robots make mistakes—and they do from time to time—reestablishing trust with human co-workers depends on how the machines own up to the errors and how human-like they appear, according to University of Michigan research.

Consumer & Gadgets

Agency pledges tough action to buttress 'right to repair'

Americans would be freer to repair their broken cellphones, computers, videogame consoles and even tractors themselves, or to use independent repair shops, under changes being eyed by federal regulators.

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