
A hybrid unicycle that can move on the ground and fly

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, can help humans to tackle a variety of real-world problems; for instance, assisting them during military operations and search and rescue missions, delivering packages ...


Robotic lightning bugs take flight

Fireflies that light up dusky backyards on warm summer evenings use their luminescence for communication—to attract a mate, ward off predators or lure prey.


A palm-sized drone to track chemical plumes

Robots that can automatically recognize and track specific odors could have a wide range of valuable applications. For instance, they could help to identify the sources of harmful chemical substances in the air after hazardous ...


Google Maps displays traffic light locations

For millions of motorists around the globe, GPS traffic guidance has become indispensable. This week, Google confirmed it has been testing a feature that will make getting to where you want to go even easier: traffic light ...


New research 'uncovers' hidden objects in high resolution

Imagine driving home after a long day at work. Suddenly, a car careens out of an obscured side street and turns right in front of you. Luckily, your autonomous car saw this vehicle long before it came within your line of ...

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