
Video: Diving robot for dangerous operations

Divers are often put at considerable risk when searching for people or objects underwater. The ETH spin-off Tethys has developed an underwater robot that can be used in situations that are too dangerous for human divers.


Rats with backpacks sniff for victims under rubble

Rats are commonly known as pests and spreaders of disease and many people's worst nightmare. Yet they are very clever creatures, and can be trained just as well as dogs. The Belgian aid organization APOPO trains African hamster ...


Virtual bow deploys drone swarm in a series of shots

Skoltech researchers have developed an effective—and pretty dramatic—way for positioning a swarm of rescue or research drones. The operator wears a virtual reality helmet and a tactile interface to imitate shooting a ...


Using small drones to measure wind speeds in the polar regions

Drones and similar small unmanned aerial vehicles (sUAVs) have seen a massive surge in popularity over the past few years due to their innovative applications, such as crop monitoring, search and rescue operations, and coast ...

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