
5G networks: are there health risks?

Do 5G mobile telephones and networks pose health risks? Worries about the effect the technology has on humans and the environment have persisted as it has been deployed in various countries. What do scientists have to say ...


Huawei: Smartphone chips running out under US sanctions

Chinese tech giant Huawei is running out of processor chips to make smartphones due to U.S. sanctions and will be forced to stop production of its own most advanced chips, a company executive says, in a sign of growing damage ...


Ericsson, Nokia say ready to step in after UK 5G Huawei ban

Network equipment providers Ericsson and Nokia, Huawei's biggest competitors, said Tuesday they were ready to step in after the UK announced it was phasing out the Chinese telecoms giant from its budding 5G network.


Need for speed in COVID–19 digital contact tracing

Australia's COVIDSafe app needs to be faster and have higher uptake rates to be effective as the nation's digital contact tracing solution, according to a working paper released by The University of Queensland's Institute ...

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Risk is a concept that denotes the precise probability of specific eventualities. Technically, the notion of risk is independent from the notion of value and, as such, eventualities may have both beneficial and adverse consequences. However, in general usage the convention is to focus only on potential negative impact to some characteristic of value that may arise from a future event.

RISK can be defined as “the threat or probability that an action or event will adversely or beneficially affect an organisation's ability to achieve its objectives”[1]. In simple terms risk is ‘Uncertainty of Outcome’, either from pursuing a future positive opportunity, or an existing negative threat in trying to achieve a current objective.

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