Hi Tech & Innovation

Shared automated vehicles could make cities more livable, equitable

Fully automated vehicles (AVs), or driverless cars, will be commonplace sooner than we may think. Right now, car makers and transportation network companies—also known as ridesharing companies—are steering AV development. ...


Smarter traffic signs ahead?

Ever get caught up in a pileup or have a near miss with one during bad weather? Researchers in Poland have created smart road signs that use built-in Doppler radar, video, and acoustic radar and weather stations to monitor ...


Designing ethical self-driving cars

The classic thought experiment known as the "trolley problem" asks: Should you pull a lever to divert a runaway trolley so that it kills one person rather than five? Alternatively: What if you'd have to push someone onto ...


Motorcycle taxi ban brings Lagos to a halt

Even before a sudden controversial ban on motorcycle taxis and tricycles in Nigeria's commercial capital, Lagos, crippling traffic jams were a daily ordeal for its more than 20 million inhabitants.


The driving school for computers

In order to generate realistic images of road signs, researchers pit two algorithms against each other.

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Road traffic safety

Road traffic safety aims to reduce the harm (deaths, injuries, and property damage) resulting from crashes of road vehicles. Harm from road traffic crashes is greater than that from all other transportation modes (air, sea, space, off-terrain, etc.) combined.[citation needed]

Road traffic safety deals exclusively with road traffic crashes – how to reduce their number and their consequences. A road traffic crash is an event involving a road vehicle that results in harm. For reasons of clear data collection, only harm involving a road vehicle is included. A person tripping with fatal consequences on a public road is not included as a road-traffic fatality. To be counted a pedestrian fatality, the victim must be struck by a road vehicle.

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