
Improving AI road sign recognition

Technology adds new safety features to every generation of road vehicle—seatbelts, airbags, parking sensors, and in work published in the International Journal of Vehicle Safety, the possibility of an in-vehicle road sign ...


Unpaved forest road quality assessment using airborne lidar data

Forest road quality control is a time-consuming task, but it can help reduce road management costs and allocate resources to the most urgent renovation needs. While in Finland the aging forest road network requires extent ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Fatigue test trial for drowsy drivers

Monash University researchers have found drivers with only three hours sleep are 10 times more likely to be involved in a crash.


UK signals self-driving cars could hit road this year

Self-driving vehicles could hit the road this year on motorways in Britain, the government said Wednesday, under plans to permit motorists to temporarily take their hands off the wheel.

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