
Do humans get lazier when robots help with tasks?

Now that improvements in technology mean that some robots work alongside humans, there is evidence that those humans have learned to see them as team-mates—and teamwork can have negative as well as positive effects on people's ...


How robots can help combat COVID-19

Can robots be effective tools in combating the COVID-19 pandemic? A group of leaders in the field of robotics, including Henrik Christensen, director of UC San Diego's Contextual Robotics Institute, say yes, and outline a ...


Robots who goof: Can we trust them again?

When robots make mistakes—and they do from time to time—reestablishing trust with human co-workers depends on how the machines own up to the errors and how human-like they appear, according to University of Michigan research.


How to help humans understand robots

Scientists who study human-robot interaction often focus on understanding human intentions from a robot's perspective, so the robot learns to cooperate with people more effectively. But human-robot interaction is a two-way ...


Soft robots make virtual reality gloves feel more real

Soft robots, or those made with materials like rubber, gels and cloth, have advantages over their harder, heavier counterparts, especially when it comes to tasks that require direct human interaction. Robots that could safely ...

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