
New haptic arm places robotics within easy reach

Imagine being able to build and use a robotic device without the need for expensive, specialist kit or skills. That is the vision that researchers from the University of Bristol have turned into reality, creating a lightweight, ...


Robotic cane shown to improve stability in walking

By adding electronics and computation technology to a simple cane that has been around since ancient times, a team of researchers at Columbia Engineering have transformed it into a 21st century robotic device that can provide ...


In the shoes of a robot: The future approaches

Identifying with someone is an exercise that helps us understand them deeply, empathize with them, and helps us overcome mistrust and prejudice. And this occurs even when that someone is a robot. These interpersonal dynamics ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Mobile home robots may still get TLC from Amazon

Psst. The whispers flared up and then went away. In April last year Todd Bishop in GeekWire joined the ever-louder whisperfest coming from the halls at Bloomberg over stories that Amazon had a top secret Vesta project for ...

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