
New algorithm maps safest routes for city drivers

Most navigation apps can show you the fastest possible route to your destination and some can even suggest an eco-friendly route calculated to produce the least amount of carbon emissions.

Machine learning & AI

A statistical model for ensuring children's safe and sound mobility

A research team led by Kojiro Matsuo, an associate professor at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering within the Toyohashi University of Technology, and Kosuke Miyazaki, a professor at the Department of Civil ...

Energy & Green Tech

AI tool to revolutionize polar ship navigation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable ships navigating in polar ocean conditions to be more efficient using a new route planning tool created by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) researchers. The tool aims to reduce carbon ...


Can we evacuate from hurricanes in electric vehicles?

As emergency coordinators across the U.S. prepare for the upcoming hurricane season, they are busy planning evacuation routes. Currently, these plans don't anticipate the needs of people driving electric vehicles, which have ...

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