Computer Sciences

New AI sensor technology for autonomous driving

Researchers at TU Graz have modeled an AI system for automotive radar sensors that filters out interfering signals caused by other radar sensors and dramatically improves object detection. Now the system is to be made more ...

Energy & Green Tech

IAEA reviews water release from damaged Japan nuclear plant

A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday began its review of Japan's plan to begin releasing more than a million tons of treated radioactive water into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant—a ...

Energy & Green Tech

End to nuclear plant ban signed by West Virginia governor

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice on Tuesday signed a bill eliminating the state's ban on nuclear power plants but cautioned against jumping in to diversify the coal-dependent state's energy offerings.


DHS announces creation of new cybersecurity review board

The Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday the creation of a new Cyber Safety Review Board that will have public and private sector experts examine significant hacking incidents and recommend improvements.

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Safety is the state of being "safe" (from French sauf), the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.

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