
Computer scientists paint a picture of six decades of movies

From the sepia tones of a Coen brothers film set in the Dust Bowl to a child's red coat in "Schindler's List," filmmakers have long known the power of color in movies. Now, computer scientists have analyzed 60 years of films ...

Computer Sciences

Designing a 'neural puppeteer' to recognize skeletal nodes

Imagine for a moment, that we are on a safari watching a giraffe graze. After looking away for a second, we then see the animal lower its head and sit down. But, we wonder, what happened in the meantime? Computer scientists ...


Complex oxides could power the computers of the future

As the evolution of standard microchips is coming to an end, scientists are looking for a revolution. The big challenges are to design chips that are more energy efficient and to design devices that combine memory and logic ...


Tool helps prevent fires and explosions in natural gas lines

Lines in natural gas grids have to be maintained and serviced regularly. This entails using flares to vent the natural gas. With FlareSimulator, research scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation ...

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