Computer Sciences

AI algorithm puts the color back in black and white films

Countless historical photographs are stored in black and white in the world's archives. Today, these cultural assets and contemporary documents are conserved by means of digitization and (partially) improved through digital ...


Artificial intelligence opens new window on complex urban issues

Understanding the workings and behaviors of a city requires knowledge of the different processes that allow people and other biological organisms to live and thrive, as well as understanding of their interrelationships—many ...

Computer Sciences

Finding the needles in a haystack of high-dimensional data sets

One of the challenges in the era of Big Data is dealing with many independent variables, also known as the "curse of dimensionality." Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop algorithms that can select subsets of features ...

Machine learning & AI

First machine-learning approach to forensic DNA analysis

As the field of forensics evolves, more complex evidence is being processed with greater precision, sensitivity and speed than ever before. To give a real-life example, consider a bank robbery where the perpetrator uses a ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Organic electronics: Sustainability during the entire lifecycle

Organic electronics can make a decisive contribution to decarbonization and, at the same time, help to cut the consumption of rare and valuable raw materials. To do so, it is not only necessary to further develop manufacturing ...


US chip controls threaten China's technology ambitions

Furious at U.S. efforts that cut off access to technology to make advanced computer chips, China's leaders appear to be struggling to figure out how to retaliate without hurting their own ambitions in telecoms, artificial ...

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