Consumer & Gadgets

Siri, meet grandma: Building a voice assistant for older adults

Computer scientists at the University of California San Diego received an Amazon Research Award to develop a voice assistant to better communicate with older adults. Their initial goal is to create a system capable of understanding ...


Algorithm can help boost the popularity of social media posts

Computer scientists created a new algorithm to recommend tags for social media posts which should boost the popularity of the post in question. This algorithm takes into account more kinds of information than previous algorithms ...

Computer Sciences

Why ChatGPT isn't conscious—but future AI systems might be

In June 2022, Google engineer Blake Lemoine made headlines by claiming the company's LaMDA chatbot had achieved sentience. The software had the conversational ability of a precocious seven-year-old, Lemoine said, and we should ...

Energy & Green Tech

How microgrids can help communities adapt to wildfires

Wildfires have become increasingly frequent due to climate change, with record occurrences in areas not historically prone to them. In California, wildfires and regional power shutoffs have cost billions and taken lives. ...

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