
Electric motorcycles flood Havana amid diesel shortages

The young people come and go on their electric motorcycles at this highway outside Cuba's capital where they perform stunts and talk about their two-wheelers, which would be largely silent if it weren't for the music blasting ...

Consumer & Gadgets

How e-scooters can safely operate in a city

E-scooters have become a familiar sight in cities worldwide in recent years, with many new companies renting them for use. But their arrival has also brought new safety concerns. Now, researchers from Chalmers University ...


Kicks, pranks, dog pee: The hard life of food delivery robots

UCLA environmental law professor Sean Hecht was walking across the campus one recent night when he photographed a uniquely modern urban transport scene: a snarl of food delivery robots that couldn't figure out a way around ...


Examining the use and safety of e-scooters

In recent years, shared electric scooters (e-scooters) have taken cities around the world by storm. But how are people using this new mode of transportation? Seeking to understand the potential impacts of e-scooters on land ...


How micromobility affects the climate

They can be seen in most big cities today, and are both a source of hope and a challenge: electrically powered scooters and bikes. Shared micromobility which allows users to rent and to share these e-scooters and e-bikes ...

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