
UK clamps down on Chinese surveillance cameras

UK government departments were ordered Thursday to stop installing Chinese-made surveillance cameras at "sensitive sites", drawing a strong rebuke from one of the companies targeted.


FBI's team to investigate massive cyberattack in Montenegro

A rapid deployment team of FBI cyber experts is heading to Montenegro to investigate a massive, coordinated attack on the tiny Balkan nation's government and its services, the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs announced ...


Chinese regulators to exercise more control over algorithms

Chinese regulators will exercise greater control over the algorithms used by Chinese technology firms to personalize and recommend content, the latest move in a regulation spree across the internet sector.


Finland IDs hackers linked to parliament spying attack

Finland's domestic security agency said Thursday that the cybergroup APT31, which is generally linked to the Chinese government, was likely behind a cyberspying attack on the information systems of the Nordic country's parliament.


Polish state websites hacked and used to spread false info

Two Polish government websites were hacked Wednesday and used briefly to spread false information about a non-existent radioactive threat, in what a Polish government official said had the hallmarks of a Russian cyberattack.


Securing the internet

While many people can name an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and describe what an ISP does, fewer people know the exchange of internet traffic that happens between different ISPs' networks, which are called Autonomous Systems ...


US wants undersea data cable to skip Hong Kong

US Justice Department officials on Wednesday recommended that a high-capacity undersea data cable system proposed by Google and Facebook bypass Hong Kong, citing potential national security concerns following China's moves ...

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