
So you've been scammed by a deepfake. What can you do?

Earlier this month, a Hong Kong company lost HK$200 million (A$40 million) in a deepfake scam. An employee transferred funds following a video conference call with scammers who looked and sounded like senior company officials.


Biden on TikTok: 'lol' or national security worry?

US President Joe Biden's debut on TikTok has caused a stir—not least because the Chinese-owned social media platform is still officially considered a security risk by Washington.


EU hails 'change' as Apple opens App Store to competition

The European Union's digital enforcer celebrated on Friday the "change" underway in the tech world after Apple yielded to a new EU law by announcing it would allow alternative app stores on the iPhone for the first time.

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Security is the degree of protection against danger, loss, and criminals.

Security has to be compared and contrasted with other related concepts: Safety, continuity, reliability. The key difference between security and reliability is that security must take into account the actions of people attempting to cause destruction.

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