Hi Tech & Innovation

Self-driving lorries hit the road in Sweden

Barrelling down a motorway south of Stockholm in a 40-ton lorry and trailer, the driver keeps a careful eye on the road but, jarringly, no hands on the wheel.


South Korean capital launches self-driving bus experiment

South Korea's capital launched its first self-driving bus route on Friday, part of an experiment that engineers said aims to make people feel more comfortable with driverless vehicles on the roads.

Computer Sciences

Human vision—a challenge for AI

Achieving diversity in human vision is one of the major challenges for AI research. In the vast majority of cases, we are better than machines at understanding the world around us. But machines are catching up—slowly but ...


LiDAR and radar sensors—space-saving headlight installation

People use their eyes and ears to pick up on traffic situations involving potential hazards. For self-driving vehicles to do the same thing, they need a whole host of sensors. As the number of sensors they contain increases, ...


UK public want self-driving cars to be labelled

Nearly nine out of 10 people in the UK (86%) want self-driving vehicles to be labeled so they can be clearly distinguished from human-driven vehicles, according to a major new survey led by UCL researchers.

Britain gears up to watch TV in self-driving cars

Motorists can sit back and watch TV once self-driving cars are approved on British roads but will be banned from using handheld mobile phones, government plans revealed Wednesday.


Driverless car stopped in San Francisco puzzles cops

San Francisco police faced an unprecedented problem recently when an officer stopped a car that was driving at night with no headlights on, only to discover there was no one inside.

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