
Boeing CEO to face Capitol Hill grilling

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is expected to apologize to families of crash victims on Tuesday as he faces a Senate grilling following accusations that the plane maker put profits over safety.


Boeing to check undelivered 787s due to fastener issue

Boeing said Thursday it is examining fasteners on some undelivered 787 jets after discovering problems with their installation in the latest manufacturing shortcoming to face the company.

Machine learning & AI

US senators unveil 'roadmap' to AI laws

Top US lawmakers on Wednesday said efforts to pass laws governing AI were entering a higher gear and hoped to pump $32 billion into the sector to help assure US dominance.


Mired in crisis, Boeing reports another loss

Troubled aviation giant Boeing reported a first-quarter loss of $343 million on Wednesday, reflecting recent safety troubles that have slowed production and deliveries.


Health insurers split with US over relief after cyberattack

Health insurers and U.S. government officials are expected to meet next week to hash out differences over how to assist cash-strapped medical practices, as a cyberattack last month continues to hold up billions of dollars ...


US Senate declines to fast-track TikTok bill

A bill that would force the sale of TikTok from its Chinese owners or see it banned in the United States will move cautiously in the US Senate, key lawmakers said, after it sailed through the House.


China blasts US TikTok vote as buyout plan emerges

China blasted Washington's "bandit" mentality Thursday after the US House passed a bill that would ban TikTok unless it splits from its Chinese owner, as former Trump treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin said he is preparing ...

Machine learning & AI

AI in society: Perspectives from the field

Experts working in artificial intelligence, from technological to public policy roles, discuss this turning point in AI and what it means for the future.

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A senate is a deliberative assembly, often the upper house or chamber of a legislature or parliament. There have been many such bodies in history, since senate means the assembly of the eldest and wiser members of the society and ruling class. Two of the first official senates were the Greek Senate (Γερουσία) and the Roman Senate.

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